New Form Screen

Use this screen to create a form letter in a workfile.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
File The menu bar File options include Save Draft, Save and New, Save and Print, Print Preview, and Close.
Actions There are no options associated with this button.
Help This option launches the CCC ONE Online Help screen.
Save Draft Use this option to save the form letter as a draft. Draft form letters can be edited.
Save and Print Selecting this button provides you options print, email the selected form letter, or to save the form letter as a PDF.
Save and New This option saves the document, closes the current screen, and opens a New Form Letter screen.
Print Preview View the document on screen.
(document header) The blue document header displays the repair order summary information on the New Form Letter screen: RO Number, Owner, Vehicle (year, make, model), License (plate number), Estimator, Insurance Company, VIN, Exterior Color.
Template Use this droplist to select one of the built-in form letters. New form letter templates can be created in your repair facility profile.Templates can be created in your repair facility profile under the Basic Settings section.
Insert Field This droplist allows you to select fields to add to your form letter. This option is disabled once the letter has been saved. To insert a field, select it from the droplist.
(form letter pane) Enter form letter text in this pane.

See Also

Creating a New Form in a Workfile







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